Essential Aspects of Designing Customise Tea Boxes!

2022-04-26 11:24:33

Tea Packaging Boxes

Leaves of tea are very delicate; therefore, it is essential to pack them in the appropriate tea boxes. It will protect the product and provide good brand recognition in the market. Therefore, when you want to take your brand to the best levels in the market, make sure your tea packaging in Australia is perfect. Tea is a favorite beverage all over the world.

Due to its easy preparation, all the age groups love it. In the 3rd century, it was only taken as medicine, but in the 19th century, AD Merchant introduced afternoon tea. People love the concept, and now no one can imagine passing one day without tea.

Designing of Tea Packaging

There are many things you need to focus on while designing Tea Boxes. In that instance, a few things need to avoid as well. Hence, those points are discussed below for better assistance, essential and nonessential for your tea packaging. When deciding what to do and not to do on time for tea packaging, it is essential to acknowledge the purpose of the whole.

What are the basic requirements of packaging? Is the packaging playing more roles other than the safety of products or not? These questions are essential as you can’t decide which features will be required and which are not. A few elements are mentioned below:

  • The priority of designing the Tea Boxes is to ensure that you need to protect the product during handling, storage, and transport.
  • Next, it is essential to design the box to make your identity unique. 
  • It will help provide information to the clients to choose the product quickly.

Promotion of the boxes is an essential part of the packaging for any brand. So, the company is aware of its presence and encourages people to choose its brand when many other companies call them. When designing, you will find many standard packaging solutions among various tea brands.

Some use standard Cardboard Boxes, and others prefer plastic bottles, stand-up pouches, and even metal tins. You need to understand the qualities of all the materials and make sure you choose the right one for you.

You need to survey the tea market to see the flaws and understand which will provide complete protection and brand promotion. Sometimes, effortless designs will make your product polished and revolve around the world. But it would be best if you often introduced a lot of fantastic stuff to the packaging because it demands time.

So, when you are packaging your tea, evaluate what it is era saying and then choose the right one for you. But each Tea Packaging comes with several dos and don’ts, whether it is this era or some other. 


  • Do Choose Tea Packaging Material

Tea Packaging material plays a vital role in making your brand reputation and protecting your tea. Hence, choose a material like cardboard that can help make your good reputation and perfect protection of products.

  • Do Study your Competition

An appropriate tea packaging needs originality, devotion, and information. For that purpose, you must need to take time as it will decide your future in the market. See how the outer look is. When you know what’s going on, you will not be able to select the wrong version for your product.

It would be best if you saw the following aspects at the packaging time to stay in the competition. Those are highlighted below:

  • Is your Packaging Looking Much Different to Grab your Client’s Attention?

Did the design will be good enough to highlight your brand when your competitor is with you on the same shelf.

  • Colours of the Box and Information are Appropriately Given?

All these points are essential to fulfil when you want to stay in the market. It is impossible to understand clients’ whole vision and the demand by sitting at home. You need to evaluate it by doing a survey. Choose the design which can lead your brand in the competition.

It is not much challenging to assess whether your Tea Packaging will work. It would help if you got your clients’ feedback on how they will think will only be told by them. The results will be perfect for guiding you about your brand’s future.

  • Do Tell your Story

People are so much interested in stories. How, When, Where, What regarding your brand’s stories are interesting for them rather than your quality. Hence, tell a good story that covers your today, past, and future, along with your motivations. They will never neglect your brand.

Further, you should tell your story in a few words as it’s the box of your product, not a storybook. For more, you can produce QR codes so that they can enjoy detail by linking to them.

  • Do Focus on Customisation of Design

Designs are the primary thing that will represent your brand. Therefore, when you want your packaging to stand out in the race, you must choose a simple style. The reason is that overdoing the Tea Boxes makes clients confused and also produces a rough image of the brand.

Hence, on time for customising the design, everything should be perfect. Everything will indicate how you will perform, from material quality to the tag line to the colour.

During customising the design, don’t forget what makes your audience attracted to your product. Visit the area and see whether you are looking for something unique regarding packaging, flavours, or quality. Every area’s audience is different. Hence, look out before launching your brand.


  • Don’t go for a Cheap Tea Packaging Solution

In this era of high competition, many brands are offering the best quality tea. If you consider the packaging material and design, which is entirely cheap, it will not suit your brand reputation. People like to spend less time buying products, but they will never go for local ones.

So, don’t try t choose the design which will facilitate your brand financially to the next level but, on the other change, degrade your brand in the eye of clients as well.

  • Don’t Overdo the Design

Simplicity is the best policy. We had already discussed that a simple design would be best, especially when it comes to Tea Packaging. So, it is essential to focus on essential elements at the packaging time. Because too much information makes people confused. Further, they will suffer from a messy head when they try to evaluate your packaging solution.

So, they will never consider it. In this case, your box will look like a newspaper or advertisement paper. Moreover, apply the picture if you still think your words are not enough to inform people about your brand and product. It will make the tea boxes messy, and don’t take it to overdo levels.

  • Don’t Play with your Identity

Since 99% know you and already memorise your brand, colour, label, logo, and even taglines. After that, never do variations in such things that are essential for your brand recognition. People think it is necessary to offer different colours and change of style with time as people got bored of old stuff.

They play with their identity and change the colour, size, shape, and other things stored in public memory. Due to that reason, people start facing trusting issues and don’t consider their products again. So, never take such risks which will endanger your reputation in the market. 

By following the dos as mentioned earlier and don’ts, you can choose the perfect tea boxes for your products and never suffer from clients’ disliking or brand demotion. When you are looking for the best ta packaging solution, the OXO Packaging can help out. They have outstanding professionals and the latest equipment that helps produce the best types of packaging.

  • Testing of Design of Tea Boxes

When you know why you need packaging for your tea, you need to make several decisions.

  • Design

First of all, the design of the boxes includes size, shape, style, watermark, printing, and material; hence, everything needs to decide. It will be known as the packaging concept. 

  • Visual Test

Your tea packaging design needs to pass visual tests as these will prove that the whole box fulfils all the market’s display requirements.

  • Retailer’s Test

Next is the retailer’s tests. Your packaging is not going to sell from your home. Dealers and several retailers are required. Therefore, when designing your packaging, it needs to pass the test as the retailers only accept the products that are easy to handle.  

  • Engineer Test

Next will be the engineering test. In that test, your packaging will ensure whether it will be eligible to stand up in several atmospheric, traveling, and handling conditions or not.

  • Customer’s Test

Last but not least is the consumer’s response test. In this test, your packaging will show to several different types of customers and evaluate how many of them like it. 


In the light of the above aspects of design, it is concluded that brands must choose the design of tea boxes wisely to get the best reputation in the market quickly.