Types of Custom Boxes: The Ultimate Guide for Businesses

2024-02-12 11:32:45

Types of Custom Packaging Boxes

Choosing the right type of custom boxes for products is significantly important for business owners. According to a survey by Dotcom Distribution:

“Almost 61% of buyers are likely to repurchase high-end products packed in premium product packaging.”

To fascinate the customers and persuade them to buy your items over and over again, you should choose suitable personalise packaging for your products. Your product packaging should not only pack and protect your products but also resonate with your brand.

Here, we are going to provide you with a comprehensive guide on types of custom boxes. We will discuss various aspects of packaging boxes in detail helping you find the perfect one for your exclusive products. Read on to find more!

3 Fundamental Types of Custom Packaging Boxes

Before diving into the diverse world of custom packaging boxes, let’s discuss some important basics. Here are 3 fundamental types of custom packaging boxes that are used to pack all types of products:

Primary Packaging

Primary packaging boxes are the ones that come in direct contact with the products. Their prime purpose is to snugly fit the product and protect it from harmful elements. For example, multi-layered boxes for milk, tin cans for preserved foods, and bottles for beverages, etc.

Secondary Packaging

Secondary packaging boxes are used to pack primary packaging. These boxes are primarily used as an additional safeguard for your items. Also, they improve the presentation and visual appeal of your products, persuading customers to purchase. Examples of secondary packaging include product display boxes, bottle-carrying cartons, branded chocolate boxes enclosing wrapped chocolates, etc.

Tertiary Packaging

Tertiary packaging helps ship and store products in bulk. They are heavy-duty packaging boxes that come in direct contact with secondary packaging instead of products. Being robust, they protect your products during transit. Tertiary packaging examples include large corrugated boxes that pack products enclosed in multiple secondary packaging boxes.

Types of Packaging

4 Popular Types of Custom Box Materials

The material of custom boxes also plays a role in elevating your packaging game. You should opt for the right material that not only helps pack and protect your items suitably but also resonates with your brand. Here is the list of the four most commonly used materials for your packaging boxes.


Cardboard is mostly the first choice of many retailers. This is because cardboard boxes are customisable, flexible, lightweight, and easy to use. You can imprint your brand elements on custom cardboard boxes to leave a lasting impression on your buyers.


Corrugated stock is a wood-based durable material famous for its shock-absorbing abilities. It comprises at least three layers; one is fluted and is sandwiched between plain kraft papers. This excellent resistance against bumps and knocks makes them excellent for shipping fragile items.


Rigid boxes fall in the category of high-end packaging boxes for luxurious products. These packaging boxes are significantly robust and give a premium feel. Rigid stock is a paper-based material however, it is more durable than others making it perfect for protecting fragile items.


According to a report shared by PR Newswire:

“About 82% of customers willingly pay more for products packed in sustainable packaging.”

Kraft is one of the most sustainable packaging materials. Kraft boxes are famous for their excellent biodegradability making them leave no carbon footprint. Also, they are cost-efficient and easily available.

Types of Custom Boxes for Businesses

Different styles of packaging boxes are available in the market. You must be thinking about which one will be suitable for your product that resonates with your brand and boosts your business.

Let’s overcome the challenge of finding perfect custom boxes and explore different types of packaging boxes used by businesses. You will surely find the best one for your products:

Shipping Boxes

Shipping boxes are durable packages that secure the products packed in them during shipping. They are mostly used by e-commerce business owners, wholesale suppliers, moving services, and product distributors. Here are some common shipping boxes being used in the market:

  • Folding Carton Boxes

Folding cartons are excellent packaging solutions for shipping purposes. They come with foldable flaps providing convenience in enclosing products in them. These carton boxes can also be customised to the size and shape of your preferences making them a compact packaging solution for product shipping.

  • Regular Slotted Boxes

Packaging boxes with each side having the same length and height are known as regular slotted boxes. They are included in the most common shipping cartons as they are easily available and do not occupy much space.

  • Full Overlap Boxes

Full overlap shipping boxes are famous for their secure closing mechanism. The foldable flaps of these boxes overlap completely over one another making no space for products leaking out. To close these boxes, quality adhesive tapes are used so the items remain inside the packaging boxes during transit.

Mailer Boxes

According to Fortune Business Insights:

“The market size of e-commerce packaging worldwide was around USD 49.74 billion in 2023, and projected to reach USD 53.35 billion by the end of 2024.

The high need for mailer boxes in the e-commerce sector can not be denied. These boxes protect your products well. Also, you can personalise product packaging boxes for your e-commerce products to captivate your customers.

Here is the classification of custom packaging that is used for mailing purposes:

  • C-series Mailer Boxes

C-series mailer boxes are designed with a minimalistic approach. They come with a self-locking mechanism that keeps products packed in them safe without the need for any adhesive or tape. They are convenient to pack, ship and open making them perfect for mailing e-commerce products.

  • Roll End Mailer Boxes

Another exceptional type of custom box for mailing purposes is roll-end mailer boxes. These packaging boxes are designed for easy opening and closing. They can safely pack lightweight items. These boxes are excellent for delivering confectionary items like cakes, pastries, and more. 

Retail Boxes

Retail products are needed to be packed in secure as well as easy-to-carry boxes. The design of retail packaging boxes may vary depending on their purpose. Here are some categories of packaging boxes for retail products:

  • Display Boxes

Display boxes are mostly placed on countertops and shelves of retail stores to showcase the products. Their prime purpose is to captivate buyers and persuade them to purchase the product on shelves. They are designed uniquely to resonate with your brand.

  • Custom Window Boxes

Custom window boxes are attention-grabbing packaging boxes that provide a sneak peek of items packed in them. The die-cut windows on these packaging boxes add a touch of elegance to them. These boxes are used in a wide range of industries like, confectionery, electronics, food, mobile, etc.

  • Gable Boxes

Gable boxes are famous for their artistic designs making them excellent for packing gifts and treats. These boxes are folded in a way to make a small cute handle at its top. Their name is after their pointed top which resembles a gable roof.

  • Pillow Boxes

Pillow boxes are uniquely designed packages that have gained significant popularity in the market due to their exclusive shape. The pillow-shaped design exudes a unique side of your brand that can attract your customers. They are widely used in the industry of cosmetics and electronics.

  • Tuck Boxes

One of the most commonly used retail box designs is tuck boxes. They are mostly made of cardboard and kraft paper. Their name is after their convenient tucking functionality. After packing your products in them, all you need to do is tuck the ends of their foldable flaps to securely enclose your items.

Final Words

As a business owner, you need to choose the right packaging for your products that not only safeguard your items but also boost your brand and increase overall sales. For this purpose, exploring the types of custom boxes is a must.

We have discussed in detail the types of custom product boxes for businesses. This blog covers nearly all the aspects, you should know about various categories and classifications of custom packaging boxes.

If you are still confused about choosing the right type of packaging box for your products, feel free to reach out. At OXO Packaging, we provide you with packaging solutions for your needs. Happy Packaging!